Smart Water Solutions Continue to Grow in Popularity Among Homeowners
Smart devices have come to capture the imagination of a variety of homeowners. And why not? Smart devices empower users to make their homes safer, more comfortable, healthier and above all, convenient. Many, like smart water devices, also help homeowners control valuable resources, something that has gradually been growing in popularity among consumers. According to the 2022 Z-Wave State of the Ecosystem Report , for instance, smart water devices are one of the top devices owned by consumers.
It’s a segment of the home integration market that remains relatively untapped (forgive the pun), but, according to Mitchell Klein, Executive Director for the Z-Wave Alliance, it’s an area rife with opportunities for integrators. And the best part is, it’s a conversation that fits in naturally with many of the services integrators are already providing.
“Ideally, when integrators are in a home, they should be having conversations regarding everything that makes up a smart home. Naturally, nowadays, you have circadian lighting and security coming up, but integrators can easily pique the interest of homeowners by offering protection from water damage.”
“When you look at insurance claims for different home damage, damages from water far exceed damages from fire, so it’s a big deal to have that as an offering. Some insurance companies will even reward homeowners for the installation, which is another selling point worth looking into.”
Here are some other reasons he sees integrators being able to easily break into this category, no extra training required.
Setting Up a Smart Shut-Off Valve is Remarkably Simple
Partnerships can be a powerful tool, but for those looking to break into a new category, the lack of a strong partnership at the outset can often be seen as a hindrance. Thankfully, according to Klein, integrators looking to develop smart water solutions can do so without the need of coordinating with another contractor. Its simplicity also opens the way to developing a powerful turn-key solution in the home.
“Most smart shut-off valves on the market nowadays don’t even require plumbers to be installed. No pipe cutting whatsoever. It’s as simple as reading the owner’s manual. However, what integrators bring to the table are the advanced notification and control systems that these products can be then connected to.”
“Couple that with flow detection and leak detection hooked up to a home security system, and you have a powerful turnkey solution that’s a natural extension of an integrator’s work.”
On top of that, Klein notes the ease of being able to source these types of products from existing products with groups like Z-Wave also being available for support. Really, the hardest part about incorporating these systems into a home is something integrators are already experts in, and that’s technology integration.
Smart Water Systems Fit Beautifully into Security Systems
So, when exactly is the best time to bring up smart water in the home? Klein says it’s the moment integrators start talking about the security system. Given the simplicity of installation and integration, it’s an easy add-on to a sale that piggybacks onto something that the integrators would have been installing in the home anyways. That and its integration into security systems compliment a smart water solution so well.
The already robust alert and notification system present in the home security system gives integrators a powerful platform to provide homeowners with greater insight into their home. Paired with leak detection, integrators can develop an entirely new home security solution, this time protecting homeowners from threats that may occur from within their home.
For homeowners with water filters, integrators can even tie in flow monitors that can send notifications when filters need to be replaced.
“Incorporating it into powerful control systems, setting up robust notifications and alerts, this is where integrators have an opportunity to shine over a DIY installation, and the best part is, it still remains about as simple as a DIY installation,” Klein says. “Really, smart water is such a perfect addition to security integrations that integrators should be talking about it on every project security is involved.”