The Orro One Smart Living System upgrades home life with a simple-to-use, intelligent system that unifies the technology in your home.
As a lighting system, Orro One detects presence and light levels in a room to activate, deactivate and dim lights, accordingly, providing appropriate human-centric lighting while also saving on energy bills. Using an onboard computer intelligence, Orro One makes all the lighting decisions from the switch itself, which is connected directly to the lighting of a home.
Scenes can be created and programmed using the in-home switch, or through the Orro app, with voice integration options also available for Alexa and Google Assistants. The dynamic interface also allows for easy interactions with just the swipe of a finger.
As a smart home system, the Orro One can also interact with wireless speakers, climate control systems, intercoms, smart locks and doorbells, in addition to being able to control lighting and home scenes.
Homeowners can start with installing a switch in each room they use the most or upgrade their entire home with a series of Orro One switches installed throughout.
Orro also works with integrators and dealers through consultations, leads and programs specifically designed for finding the perfect design for both professionals and their clients.
Product Name: Orro One
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MSRP: $299