House cleaners come in a variety of “flavors,” but it’s safe to say that nobody should be attempting to taste any of them. That can be difficult, though. House cleaners get used on a near daily basis in many households and that means every day, people are receiving incidental or accidental exposure to a variety of harsh chemicals. As a result, plant-based cleaners have seen a considerable rise in popularity among consumers.
The appeal of these cleaners comes from their decision to opt for more human-friendly, natural ingredients to help homeowners keep their environment clean. By making the switch to plant-based cleaners, most of the chemicals more commonly found within traditional household cleaning products can be avoided.
There is already an immense amount of research out there delving into the negative effects of traditional cleaning chemicals, and many of the negative effects associated with these cleaners are just relegated to the people who are using them on a daily basis. The chemicals used can often linger in the air for quite some time afterwards, impacting everyone who ends up using the space.
Lung Health
According the American Lung Association, some cleaning products release dangerous chemical that can contribute to chronic respiratory problems, leading to greater allergic reactions and chronic headaches.
Microbiome Integrity
Research published in the journal CMAJ has found that antibacterial cleaners can impact the delicate biome of a person’s gut flora (bacteria). When disrupted this can lead to a myriad of extenuating health issues, such as including obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and metabolic syndrome.
Skin Health
The National Eczema Association states that the chemicals found in many household cleaners can cause skin irritation in a condition known as contact dermatitis, a form of eczema.
The Cleveland Clinic further confirms the irritative properties of common cleaning chemicals, stating that, apart from skin, they can also affect the eyes, nose and throat.